Spring into Action with Warm Weather Formulas
Stick formulation can be challenging. But getting the structure right while ensuring a pleasant glide and proper payout depends on using the right structurants to form the desired chassis.
There’s Wax in That?
Waxes are recognizable everywhere we look. But there is an amazing array of uses for waxes that may not be particularly visible.
Stick with Koster Keunen When Creating Strong Structured Emulsions
Time is of the essence when you are building cosmetic systems. Trends may be difficult to capture if your chemists get bogged down in the formulation process.
Productivity, Unity, Community: Making a Living and a Good Life
The landscape of the cosmetics industry continually evolves, assembling an intriguing blend of overarching trends and intricate sub-trends, each tailored to distinct market segments.
Staying on Trend with Synergy in Texture and Structure
The landscape of the cosmetics industry continually evolves, assembling an intriguing blend of overarching trends and intricate sub-trends, each tailored to distinct market segments.
Shaping Squeezable Sensations: The Need for Kester Wax K-82P
Creating stable, squeezable anhydrous systems comes with a unique set of formulating challenges. The key to tackling these challenges is leveraging ingredients that increase performance with a range of other ingredients.