Natural Barrier Cream with NaturalAtum
Features Koster Keunen's NaturalAtum, Cera Bellina and Kester BK-40 waxes.
Features Koster Keunen's NaturalAtum, Cera Bellina and Kester BK-40 waxes.
Koster Keunen formulated this soft, natural sunscreen with only essential ingredients.
This Koster Keuen's Organic Body Lotion formula features Organic Emulsifying Wax as its sole emulsifier while making it easy to formulate silky and stable organic certified creams and lotions.
Koster Keunen’s 70%+ Organic Lotion features Kostol NatureMuls and Organic Emulsifying Wax as its emulsifiers.
Koster Keunen's Night Repair Cream with Soothing Lilac formula envelops the skin to provide a sensation of comfort and renewal. Use at night to leave skin feeling revived and ready to face the day.