Advanced Crystallization Control In Personal Care Formulations
Advanced Crystallization Control In Personal Care Formulations
What Is A Plasticizer?
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Plasticizers are solid form chemistries designed to reduce crystallization, manage consistency, texture and stability in both anhydrous and emulsion formulations.
The Benefits Of Using A Plasticizer In Personal Care
- Suppress Crystallization
- Creates Creamy Texture
- Supports Thermal Stability
- Inhibits Migration
- Enhances Dispersions
- Stops Bloom and Syneresis
The objective of this article is to summarize the benefits of Kester Wax K-70P, a new plasticizer from Koster Keunen, Inc. In particular, the crystallization and rheological properties were investigated and correlated with the desired properties of an efficient plasticizer.
Plasticizers are additives for increasing the flexibility and ease of processing. The presence of a plasticizer typically causes a reduction in the cohesive intermolecular forces along the wax molecules, enabling these chains to move more freely relative to one another, resulting in the reduction of stiffness of the wax matrix1.
Polyesters are among the commonly used plasticizers due to their favorable physical interactions with high molecular weight molecules that are typical constituents of waxes. This physical interaction between the wax and plasticizer molecules causes these materials to form a homogenous physical unit, meaning they do not separate.
The two main categories of plasticizers are primary and secondary. The former interacts with the wax molecules, while the latter increases the effectiveness of a primary plasticizer2. There are two types of plasticization with primary plasticizers: internal and external. Internal plasticization involves the chemical alteration of the wax molecule or its building blocks (prior to synthesizing the wax molecule). The second type of plasticization is external. External plasticization is the focus of this study. It is important to note that the plasticizer interacts with the wax physically, although hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals forces often play a role. Polyester plasticizers are favored across various industries and applications due to their exceptional flexibility.
Materials, Methods, and Instrumentation
Wax samples were prepared from Koster Keunen, Inc. commercial grade wax products with 5% w/w of plasticizer unless listed otherwise. Crystallization studies were carried out using an Olympus CH microscope using polarized light. Images were captured using a Moticam 3 3.0 MP camera integrated with the microscope. Microscope slides and cover glasses were purchased from Fisher Scientific and were electrically heated before cooling to ambient temperature for inspecting the crystallization process and the resulting crystalline particles.
Dynamic stress sweep rheology studies were conducted at the University of Connecticut, Institute of Materials Science Laboratory3. A Discovery HR20 rheometer (DHR20, TA) was employed utilizing a serrated Peltier plate fixture. The test configuration featured a modified cross-hatched 40 mm cone plate. Samples were loaded and zero gap determination was performed at the designated test temperature. A Peltier temperature control system connected to a recirculating water bath maintained the system at the required temperature throughout the tests. Yield stress measurements were performed […]