2021 seems to have gone by in a whirlwind! Our inbox was full, and resuming engagements kept us going full speed ahead. If your year sped by as well, we’d like to offer you a chance to catch up with our top posts from 2021.
Koster Keunen continues in our efforts to create earth-friendly products. We want to provide you with the raw materials and expertise that you need to formulate your best products. Please check out the 2021 blog posts that we think keep the innovation flowing and the sustainability discussion going.
Stay on Trend
When you are looking to keep on trend, Koster Keunen is already on course to keep your brand at the forefront.
Explore Sustainable Options
Nothing gets done without the right formula. Koster Keunen has the earth-friendly and sustainable options to make your products shine.
Innovations in Waxes
At Koster Keunen, our chemists are always working on innovative ingredients and formulas and your brand can benefit from the best of the new crop of waxes.
As we dash into 2022, we look forward to bringing you the products and information to carry your personal care formulas into the new year with the best ingredients available. If you have questions, please contact us.
About Koster Keunen
Koster Keunen has been working with wax since 1852 and has used our extensive experience and knowledge base to continuously develop new chemistries. Whether you are developing a new product, or need help with a reformulation or replacement, contact us to learn more about how we source, refine or develop waxes so you can create the perfect formula.